Learn how to composite ActionVFX Explosions into your bright, sun-filled scene.
Now that we’ve gone over creating mattes, we can tackle the real fun - Explosions! This week we will place several of our Explosions Vol. 2 Elements in a scene and blend them against a bright, sunny background.
Download thebackground plate here and follow along as I composite some elements from the Explosions Vol. 2 Collection into this scene.
This After Effects Tutorial Focuses On:
Setting up back-to-back explosions within a shot
Color matching shadows in your VFX to the shadows in the background plate
Slightly lowering VFX quality when it’s a higher resolution than the scene footage
Adding light wrap to blend against a blue sky
Creating interaction between the explosions
Using shift channels instead of blending modes
Placing smoke, dust, and shock waves for final, realistic touches
I hope you enjoyed this tutorial, and were able to discover new ways to better composite our stock footage into your projects.
First time here? ActionVFX creates action stock footage for VFX and filmmaking. (We also have some great free stuff!)
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