Have you ever had an idea for a short film project or movie that you were very passionate about, but you just haven’t gotten around to making it? Not enough money. Not enough time. If you’re properly motivated, you will do whatever it takes to reach your goal. DON’T GET STUCK IN A DREAM
When I was a kid, I always wanted to make movies with my dad’s video camera. I would draw up storyboards, write dialog, and make posters for my dream movie. I would pick up the camera and without finishing the movie, I’d be making new posters for my next movie. It got to the point where all I was doing was really dreaming, instead of putting forth the effort to actually make my vision happen.
We can all get caught up chasing the idea of a dream film project in our heads, that we don’t start taking the necessary steps to make this dream a reality until eventually the dream fizzles away.
Sound familiar?
To turn your film project dream into a filmmaking reality, you need to occasionally step outside of it, and take a hard, objective look at it.
Ask yourself these two questions:
How much do you actually want to see this film project come to life?
Are you willing to give your absolute best to make it a filmmaking reality?
You will either find that:
You weren’t really invested as much as you thought in the idea of the film project, and you can begin to devote your time to something else, or
The allure of the project will be so attractive to you, that you’ll have no choice but to throw yourself into it until it’s completed. You will make sacrifices financially, take risks, and even sacrifice time with friends and family, if necessary.
That’s not to say you should abandon your family, be financially reckless, or become obsessive over your project, but there is a balance that needs to be reached in order for your dream film project to become a filmmaking reality.
Now that you can attribute a significant value to your project, let that be your motivation, as you get off the fence, and begin prepping your production.
While creating a short film can be overwhelming, ActionVFX already brings your dream so much closer to reality, by giving you an unprecedented amount of affordable, quality visual effects assets that can get you started on your journey to becoming a successful filmmaker.
For a creative person, it’s easy to get lost in your epic vision for the final product before any of the work is even done. Maybe you’re finally getting the opportunity to make the high-concept short film you’ve always wanted, and you think it has potential to be picked up by a studio to adapt into a movie.
If we're not careful, we can jeopardize the success of a dream project from an over-attachment to the version of the project we envision. We can easily romanticize certain aspects of our project that may make it logistically unattainable.
However, if you take a hard look at your budget, and listen to feedback from others, you will inevitably find ways to trim the unnecessary excess out of your project that make it undoable, and turn it into something achievable.First time here? ActionVFX creates action stock footage for VFX and filmmaking. (We also have some great free stuff!)
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