Learning C4D can take your VFX compositing to new heights. Here are 3 tutorials to get started!
Maybe you’ve spent a lot of time compositing in After Effects, but you’d like to take your VFX to the next level. Today, we’re going to show you three helpful tutorials to get you moving forward with Cinema 4D!
Anytime we learn something new, it’s helpful to have a bit of motivation to drive us. One way you could turn your C4D learning experience into something more motivating is to create an Instagram page for your C4D journey.
Not only will you be able to show friends, family, and colleagues all the projects you’re working on, but it will also allow you to track your progress as you go. This enables you to get even more excited about where you’re headed as you hone your skills. Plus, you can always use any of your impressive creations in a reel or portfolio, so none of your efforts are wasted!3D illustration made in C4D by Zelenov Yurii.Now that you’re motivated and ready to go, let’s learn Cinema 4D!
How to Animate and Transform Shapes in C4D
If you’ve never ventured into the realm of Cinema 4D, this first tutorial is a good place for you to start.
What’s cool about this tutorial is that it gets you acquainted with some basic essentials, but the end result is quite impressive! Once you learn how to generate and place the cube structures, you’re taught how to animate them with a unique bending effect, as well as how to make them fade into different colors.
How to Build a Low-Poly Environment in C4D
Now that you’re familiar with shapes, this next tutorial is going to prepare you for something a bit more substantial. You’ll learn how to create a stylized landscape with C4D.
This tutorial does a great job of making sure you understand each step and tool throughout the project, and it also goes over how to render out your creation.
You can play around with this one to make your own unique environment, so use it as a guide to build the world you’d like to see.
How to Animate a Character in C4D
This last tutorial is a bit more advanced, but it does an excellent job of catering to new users of C4D. You’ll be able to apply what you’ve learned in the last two tutorials to move on to working with a character model.
You’ll learn about weight painting, working with joints, and deformations.A clever tip featured in the video is that you can use the auto-rigging feature in Mixamo to assist with your 3D model rigging workflow, greatly saving time spent on the project.
Greyscale Gorilla has a veryextensive (and free) Intro to C4D course that can equip you from the ground up to become proficient in the program, complete with numerous projects and assets for you to work with. This course is so helpful to new C4D users because it allows you to see multiple projects through the concept phase to final pixels.
While there’s a substantial learning curve to C4D, it can be an extremely valuable program to learn that will let you expand your VFX skills greatly. Get to work and create some mind-blowing visual effects with Cinema 4D!
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