Smoldering Surfaces
20 smoldering walls, trees, and other surfaces. Add behind any fire for additional detail and realism. Easily composite using Screen or Add. Works on any shot, from Close-Ups to Wide shots. Delivered in 2K or 4K in 10-bit ProRes 422 HQ at... More
2K (2048x1080)
4K (4096x2160)
ProRes 422 HQ
Frame Rate
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Set license20 Assets
All assets can be purchased separately

Smoldering Tree 1

Smoldering Tree 2

Smoldering Tree 3

Smoldering Tree 4

Smoldering Plank 1

Smoldering Plank 2

Smoldering Plank 3

Smoldering Plank 4

Smoldering Wall 1

Smoldering Wall 2

Smoldering Wall 3

Smoldering Wall 4

Smoldering Wall 5

Smoldering Wall Close 1

Smoldering Wall Close 2

Smoldering Wall Close 3

Smoldering Wall Close 4

Smoldering Rubble 1

Smoldering Rubble 2

Smoldering Rubble 3
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