This Animated Fantasy FX collection features 15 unique CG effects, including energy and light explosions, continuous and single lightning strikes, mystical portals, and light beams with sci-fi or magical appearances. These visual effects are designed... More
4K (2160x4096)
4K (4096x2160)
2K (1080x2048)
2K (2048x1080)
EXR (4K)
ProRes 4444 (4K, 2K)
Frame Rate
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15 Assets
All assets can be purchased separately
1 credit
Animated Fantasy Explosion 1
1 credit
Animated Fantasy Explosion 2
1 credit
Animated Fantasy Explosion 3
1 credit
Animated Fantasy Lightning 1
1 credit
Animated Fantasy Lightning 2
1 credit
Animated Fantasy Beam 1
1 credit
Animated Fantasy Beam 2
1 credit
Animated Fantasy Beam 3
1 credit
Animated Fantasy Beam 4
1 credit
Animated Fantasy Beam 5
1 credit
Animated Fantasy Beam 6
1 credit
Animated Fantasy Beam 7
1 credit
Animated Fantasy Portal 1
1 credit
Animated Fantasy Portal 2
1 credit
Animated Fantasy Portal 3
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